Sunday, June 7, 2015

Religion+Renaissance Reflections

2 stars and 1 wish for my religion poster

2 stars: I think that I did well organizing the pictures with the words, as well as using the space well.

1 wish: I wish that I did better getting more work done during class time. I had to go to flex to finish it and though I used the class time provided, I still failed to complete it within the time given.

What letter grade would I assign myself?

I would assign myself an A.
Although I did have problems starting my project, I feel like the space used up was pretty well, and I felt that my poster looked very balanced and organized. My poster started off with a huge venn diagram with little diagrams and graphs to explain my information. The colours that I used (red, blue, purple) represented early days, nowadays, and both (red+blue=purple). I also had pictures, and described the meaning of the ones that didn't make clear sense. I feel like I have completed the requirements for an A, which is why overall, I think that I deserve an A.

What did you learn from these two assignments? What are you most proud of?

I learned from these assignments that time managing is very important. For the religion poster, we had no time outside of class to work on it, and that was the most challenging thing for me. I'm really used to finishing my stuff at home, because I don't like doing my work in front of other people. However, I (with difficulties) managed to get it done, and was pretty proud of what I had accomplished within that small time frame. As for my renaissance project, it again, had me stressed because I had no idea how to start it. I had all my layouts ready and all, but I couldn't lay a hand on it when I started to fill in my notes. I kept pushing that part back, and when I finally decided to work on it, I was completely baffled because I had completely blacked out on it. However, knowing that the due date was near, I finished it, and although I could've added more notes, I was proud of it. I never thought that it would look organized, and I thought that it would turn out to be a complete disaster. Overall, I was most proud of what my finished product looked like; even after all of the time wasted, with some last minute changes. 

(Couldn't upload pictures so I might need help with that on Monday, Ms.Lees)

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